How long will the teachers' strike in public schools last?

The strike announced by the teachers in late November of last year entered its second month, after the delay in the payment of their salaries for the month of October and November. Although more than a month has passed since the second semester, our student children are still deprived of completing their exams.
This issue has not received sufficient attention from officials and leaders, whose children receive education in private schools inside and outside the country, while ordinary citizens, who have no choice but public schools, suffer from the repercussions of this strike.
Teachers, despite the disbursement of their late salaries, are continuing their strike, demanding that their wages be restructured in proportion to the current circumstances to ensure a decent life for them and their families. This is a legitimate right that everyone supports. Unfortunately, this strike has deprived our students from their right to education and led to a complete general academic loss.
The governor of Aden, a thankful interaction with this issue, called on the teachers to return to their schools and resume the educational process for our students. He affirmed his support for the legitimate demands of the teachers directed to the government and the presidency to radically address their issues. However, the Southern Teachers Syndicate has not interacted with this call yet.
On the other hand, the government and the presidency are still in a deep slumber and have no signs of interest in the return of the educational process or the treatment of the deteriorating conditions of teachers.
The central question remains: How long will the educational process remain idle? We are still wondering why the media and activists did not address this sensitive issue that threatens the future of a whole generation?
What is happening is a very dangerous matter and constitutes a threat to public education and is in the interest of private schools that some parents may resort to as an alternative option. While the vast majority of parents remain waiting for the patience of a breakthrough and actual movement from the government and the presidency. If this does not happen soon, these people will remain in a way between waiting and limited options available to them.
In conclusion, I ask all media colleagues, journalists, activists and influencers to talk about this important issue and shed light on it and make it #Trend, it is more important than the incident of the Hijaz girl, Sheikh Marib, Cat Al -Mualla and other matters that do not deserve to take and attention.
Let us all unite to raise our voice and demand the right of our children to education!
Sameh Jawas