Discuss the legislative amendments to track the drug networks at the Aden meeting

His Excellency the Attorney General Judge Qaher Mustafa held today, in the Public Prosecution Office, a meeting with the Committee of Narcotics Experts formed in the capital, Aden, headed by Deputy Director of the Presidency of the Republic, Iqbal Bahdir, and in the presence of the Chief of the Specialized Criminal Prosecution, the head of the Criminal Press Division, and the director Narcotics control, head of the High Medicines Authority, along with the head of the National Center for Forensic Medicine, the Director of INTERPOL in Aden, and a number of experts in security and criminal evidence.
The meeting discussed the most important difficulties and challenges facing the security services and the bodies specialized in drug control, in addition to reviewing the draft amendment of the law to combat trafficking and illegal use of drugs and psychotropic substances No. (3) of 1993. The Public Prosecutor also listened to the comments and proposals of the committee on the amendments required to ensure that all shortcomings are addressed in the current law.
It was agreed to complete the discussion of the amendments after the holiday of the holy month of Ramadan, as the final project will be presented after reviewing all observations and making sure that it meets all the necessary legal and practical aspects.
At the end of the meeting, the Attorney General expressed his thanks and appreciation to all the participants for their efforts and willingness to cooperate to combat drugs and overcome legal and field challenges in practice.
The meeting was attended by the Director of the Office of the Public Prosecutor, Judge Dr. Issa Qaid Saeed, and his deputy, Judge Muhammad Musleh Al -Batoul, the head of the electronic blackmail division, Judge Abdel Qader Al -Fadhli, and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Aden University, Dr. Khaled Saeed Ali, along with a number of officials and specialized experts. p>