With fiery statements .. Sharia reveals a new scenes for the fall of Assad

The Syrian President for the transitional period, Ahmed, revealed today, Monday, the scenes and new details about the fall of the regime of former President Bashar al -Assad at the beginning of last December, after the opposition took control of the capital, Damascus, led by the Headquarters for the Liberation of Al -Sham, which he presides.
Al -Shara said in an interview with the official Syria TV that the battle of dropping within 11 days was the result of an accurate plan that lasted 5 years in Idlib, uniting the factions and absorbing the various powers.
Al -Shara added that the Syrian army had previously had a great disintegration and its loyalty was for a specific family, and today we are working to form a national army for all Syrians.
He pointed out that the Syrian Democratic Forces "SDF" expressed their willingness to restrict arms in the hands of the state, but there is a difference to some particles.