The Khormaksar Health Office in the capital, Aden, said that this evening, the victim, Saja Muhammad Ahmed, was transferred to Doctors Without Borders Hospital due to her critical condition due to complications from stab wounds sustained by a mentally ill person opposite the College of Arts this morning.
Health sources reported that the condition of Saja 20 doubled due to her suffering from 8 separate stab wounds in her body, and she was transferred from Al-Jumhuriya Hospital to Without Borders as a result of her need for surgery and admission to intensive care.
Saja, a student at the College of Arts, received 8 stab wounds distributed over parts of her body with the knife of a mentally ill person. A surveillance camera video showed the accused committing the crime while he was walking, holding a knife in his hand.
The police arrested him and found that he was a resident of Al-Arish and was suffering from a psychological condition. Sources denied that the accused was in a relationship with the victim.