Aden.. The Standards and Metrology Authority seizes children’s toys “dolls” that are not suitable for sale

Yesterday, the Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control seized children’s toys consisting of large baby-sized dolls, dressed in women’s children’s clothing and boys’ children’s clothing, in two libraries in the capital Aden, equipped with sensitive areas (genital organs) for both sexes. The authority issued a seizure report for a violation of the quantities. The seized and seized items, whether offered for sale or declared to be in storage, were found to have been imported by the library owner himself a long time ago, according to his testimony. The authority is investigating how they entered the country.
In the same context, a few weeks ago, the Authority rejected an imported shipment of school supplies, and the shipment included similar toys, and the quantity is still withheld at the Aden Free Zone Port campus to this day.
It is worth noting that the standard specifications and technical regulations, as well as the applicable laws and regulations, prohibit the manufacture or import of any children’s toys (dolls), whether they are dolls in the form of children or in the form of animals that contain prominent sensitive areas, such as those that have been seized, drawn, or otherwise, as their presence transforms The game turns into a source of danger that affects the behavior of children and opens their minds to vice, sexual harassment, and other immoral behavior that contradicts the teachings of Islamic law and the true religion, and because children’s games have a very important impact in educating children and directing their behavior.