The Aden Electricity Corporation announced today, Tuesday, the return of diesel stations to service, after pumping a limited amount of fuel to them.
Nawar Abkar, Director of the Corporation’s Media Department, said in a press statement that the President’s station in Tromsila will return to service tomorrow, Wednesday, at nine in the morning, after filling part of its tanks with raw fuel.
He added that the current situation, according to the corporation’s control department, has begun to reduce extinguishing hours with the return of diesel stations to service, and the extinguishing program may stabilize between 7 or 8 hours after 12 o’clock after the end of peak loads.
Abkar expected the stability of the operation and shutdown program to return tomorrow afternoon after entering the President station, and the most important thing is the continuity of supplying diesel stations with fuel and the fulfillment of promises.
He pointed out that the diesel fuel operating the Al-Haswah steam station has not yet been provided in any quantities, while the station is operating at a minimum capacity of 10 megawatts.
He added that the Mansoura station was operated with diesel fuel until diesel became available.