A meeting discusses strengthening the relationship between the Health Office and the Criminal Investigation Department in Wadi Hadhramaut

Deputy Director-General of the Office of the Ministry of Public Health and Population for Desert District Affairs / Khaled Abdullah Al-Amiri discussed with the Director-General of the Research Department in the Valley and the Desert, Colonel Yasser Al-Amiri, a number of common issues and strengthening the relationship between the Office of the Ministry of Health in the Valley and the Desert and the health departments in the districts.
At the beginning of the meeting held with the Criminal Investigation Department in Sayun, Colonel Yasser Al-Amiri welcomed the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Health Office for Desert Directorate Affairs and his companions, stressing the importance of the relationship between the Investigation Department and the security services, including the Investigation Department, pointing out a number of obstacles and difficulties that need to be addressed. Among the competent authorities, the most prominent of which is the availability of refrigerators for the dead in the desert districts, stressing that the representative of the Investigation Department stationed at the Sayun General Hospital Authority is the common factor between the Office of the Ministry of Health and the Criminal Investigation Department.
In turn, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Health Office, Khaled Al-Amiri, expressed his thanks for the work of the security services, including the Criminal Investigation Department, and the security successes achieved during the current period, noting the importance of strengthening the joint relationship between the Ministry of Health office and its offices in the directorates, especially with regard to methods of receiving traffic accidents. Criminal law and the mechanism for dealing with it.
The representative / Al-Amiri touched on the obstacles and difficulties regarding the bodies of the dead whose identity is unknown, which constitute a burden in the morgues for long periods, which should be given a legal period to preserve them, in addition to many topics that were discussed to develop solutions and ways out for them.
>How much was emphasized the importance of coordination with the competent authorities, especially the Security Committee, in arranging security guards in hospitals, preferably from the security services specialized in this, along with military guards, among whom the shortage of personnel is directed under the supervision of a competent authority to deal with them to ensure complete protection and communication by submitting reports for research and approved prosecutions. It will be of assistance and support to the person assigned by criminal investigation in hospitals.
The meeting was attended by the Head of the Health Operations and Emergency Room / Khaled Al-Amoudi, the Health Care Management Advisor at the Ministry of Health Office / Mahboob Al-Amiri, and a number of officers from the Criminal Investigation Department in the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert.