The joint team from the Executive Unit for International Projects at the Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund, the main center in the capital, Aden, led by Engineer Mahboob Hamid, Director of the Second Emergency Project for Urban Services at the Roads Maintenance Fund, and a delegation from “UNOPS” headed by Engineer Abdul-Jabbar Salem, praised the efforts they saw in the completed and ongoing projects. Work on it, funded by the World Bank, in Al-Dhalea Governorate, within the framework of the field tour of the visiting delegation to see the course of international projects in the liberated governorates..
The joint team was received upon its arrival in the governorate by the Director General of the Public Works Office, Engineer Abdul Rahman Farid, and Engineer
Abdullah Fadl, director of the Road Maintenance Fund Center in the governorate, who briefed the delegation on the progress of work in the targeted projects in Al-Dhalea and funded by the World Bank through the United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS..
The delegation toured the group of projects and heard from the implementing agencies a detailed explanation of the work and the levels of completion reached by the projects, which include the projects of the first group of additional financing currently being implemented by the Abu Muhib Al-Lajami Contracting Company, and include the projects of the main street at the entrance to Al-Dhalea Governorate, The street extending from the post office to Al-Houd, the street extending from the market to the Security Department, and the second group being implemented by Al-Wali Contracting Company includes Al-Houd Street, the street extending from Customs to the Security Department, and Housing Street.
These field visits come within the framework of the follow-up program sponsored and supervised by the Minister of Public Works and Roads, Eng. Salem Al-Harizi and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Road Maintenance Fund, Eng. diamond diamond.