Human rights and press reports confirmed that the Houthi gang, “Iran’s agents,” continues to use immoral and inhumane methods, including exploiting “prostitution” as a tool to blackmail and intimidate women and society in the areas under its control.
According to reports, prominent figures in the gang, most notably the gang leader, Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, the impersonator of the Minister of Interior in the Sana’a government, called Abdul Karim Al-Houthi, and the leader called (Abu Ali Al-Hakim), top the list of those involved in managing these violations.
These practices include recruiting women into military and security formations and using them as a means of pressure and trapping activists and opponents.
Reports also revealed the involvement of leaders in the criminal investigation agency, who worked under the command of the former official in charge of criminal investigation in the kidnapped capital, Sana’a, Sultan Zaben, as well as an impersonator of the director of the Office of the Presidency of the Republic, called Ahmed Hamid (Abu Mahfouz), in kidnapping women and threatening them with sexual violence or publishing Fabricated scandals, with the aim of silencing opposition voices.
These crimes are an extension of the gang's policy of systematic intimidation, as these repressive means are employed to destroy the social fabric and ensure absolute control, amid increasing human rights calls to condemn these violations and stop them immediately.