Today, a discussion was held at the College of Architecture at the University of Aden in the city of Al-Shaab, Al-Buraiqa District, for the graduation project of the two students (Ismail Salah Al-Din Muhammad Muqbel and Ali Muhammad Ahmed Abdel Qader) for the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024, under the supervision of a group of doctors from the Faculty of Architecture..
A student project was presented at the College of Architecture, which took on the nature of renewal and development, creating ideas and projects that take a new path in terms of preparation, design, and presentation methods. This clearly reflects the students’ interest in providing scientific outputs at a high level of quality that will have a major role in serving... The local community and the development of its infrastructure and urban areas..
The project aims to reconstruct the university campus currently located in the Al-Shaab District in Aden Governorate, and the reason for choosing this project is the distance of the colleges from each other and the lack of campus for some colleges in order to complete its name as a university campus, as the project seeks to close the distances between the colleges and give the campus The university is its name and original meaning, which is (the university campus) with all its faculties and features, as well as investing in the quality of education and scientific research, enhancing the spirit of competition between colleges, and enhancing the long-term potential of students on the campus...
The students discussed their project in the presence of distinguished arbitration committees consisting of the dean of the college and a number of faculty members, in an effective step towards guiding the students and increasing their knowledge and practical experience in preparation for engaging in the field of professional work..
Their project received great appreciation and praise from the distinguished doctors, as they expressed their admiration for the comprehensive and integrated vision they presented that meets all the needs of the university campus and its development and making it a leading academic and architectural model. Their positive opinions were a confirmation of their efforts, wishing them continued success in their professional lives..