The Minister of Health opens the emergency laboratory and inspects the rehabilitation of departments of the National Center for Health Laboratories in Aden

The Minister of Public Health and Population, Dr. Qasim Muhammad Bahibah, called for activating the calibration system and improving quality in laboratories and requiring laboratories to do so to avoid tests with mixed results.
In his speech during the opening ceremony of the emergency laboratory at the National Center for Public Health Laboratories in the capital, Aden, today, Bahibah stressed the strengthening of oversight work on the performance of public and private laboratories and controlling the work therein technically and scientifically.
Noting the importance of the laboratory in conducting epidemiological examinations and taking care of public health, as well as the necessity of creating complete integration between the various health sectors and working as one team.
The Minister of Health praised the tangible development witnessed by the National Center for Public Health Laboratories, which will reflect positively on the health situation.
Renewing the emphasis that the center and its branches in the governorates become a reliable diagnostic reference. The Ministry will facilitate all difficulties and contribute to the search for solutions to operate the water and food laboratory and contractor issues.
Director General of the National Center for Public Health Laboratories, Dr. Wahid Abdullah Al-Bakhshi, gave the minister and his entourage a comprehensive explanation of the expansion and rehabilitation that the center witnessed, which included the opening of the emergency laboratory and supplying it with the necessary equipment that will enable it to work around the clock and provide its quality services at almost free prices.
The Minister reviewed the updates in the various departments and the development in the infrastructure and technical infrastructure of the center, which conducts qualitative tests in blood, biochemistry, biological microscopy, PCR, water, food, general blood, and hormone tests.