The Homeland Shield Forces launched today, Monday, December 23, 2024, the process of distributing 4,500 food baskets in the Lawdar District of Abyan Governorate, as a first phase of the humanitarian food convoy project for the Abyan Governorate, which comes within the humanitarian response plan launched by the Homeland Shield Forces leadership for the poorest families.
Today, humanitarian teams began implementing the distribution process under the guidance of Brigadier General Bashir Al-Subaihi, Commander of the National Shield Forces, as part of the efforts made to support the poorest families in the district and alleviate their suffering due to the deteriorating economic conditions in the region.
This initiative aims to provide basic food assistance to the poorest families, with the aim of improving their living conditions in light of the difficult living conditions that the country is going through.
An official source in the National Shield Forces explained that the distribution process will continue in the coming days to include more families in various regions, stressing that the National Shield Forces will always remain at the service of the people,
In turn, the citizens expressed their thanks and appreciation for the humanitarian gesture made by the Homeland Shield Command towards the citizens in light of these difficult circumstances.