The Shibam Brigade, affiliated with the Second Military District, carried out an attack today. A tactical project to storm an infantry company into a fortified site, in the presence of the Commander of the Second Military Region, Major General Pilot Fayez Mansour Al-Tamimi.
The project was implemented in one of the plateaus surrounding the Doan area, with the participation of a force from the brigade’s infantry, where the company advanced towards the fortified site under the cover of mortars, using light and medium offensive weapons, according to the previously drawn-up storming plan, followed by military vehicles.
Commander of the Second Military Region, Major General Pilot Fayez Mansour Al-Tamimi; He gave a speech - before the launch of the tactical project; In it, he praised the heroism of the men of the Hadrami elite, and the security and military achievements they were able to achieve throughout the regions and districts of the Hadhramaut coast, especially its liberation from the control of the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization on April 24, 2016 AD, describing them as the strong shield of Hadhramaut in the face of greedy enemies, and its hope for a stable future and a full horizon. development, and it is certain that there is no development without security and stability.
Major General “Al-Tamimi” warned that the elite is the first line of defense for Hadramaut and its citizens, wealth and capabilities, warning against outbidding the Hadhrami elite, as it was formed from the people of Hadramaut, coast, valley and desert, and no one will be more concerned about its safety than you, and recommended With more cohesion and solidarity, to stand united in the face of the enemies of Hadhramaut.
The Commander of the Second Military Region also praised; For the courage and valor of the lions of the Shibam Brigade, their war against terrorism, and their purification of Al-Qaeda cells in the Doan mountains and valleys, in addition to their prominent role in the liberation battle.
Commander “Al-Tamimi” stressed the necessity of following up and implementing specialized training programs and projects, which would raise the capabilities of the forces of the Second Military Region, and create specialized forces for various military tasks and operations.
The implementation of the tactical project in Douan was attended by; Member of the House of Representatives, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rab Al-Amoudi, Head of the Training Division led by the Second Military Region, Brigadier General Nasser Salem Al-Dhibani, Head of the Military Engineering Division, Brigadier General Saleh Haitham Mihdhar, Staff of the Coastal Defense Brigade, Colonel Saeed Baqoud, Director General of the Doan District, Salem Ahmed Bankhar, and Director General of the Directorate Al-Dulaia Thabet Abdullah Bamsdus, the security director of the Al-Dulaia District, Major Walid bin Shamlan, and a number of officers from the Second Military District, as well as a number of social and legal figures in Wadi Doan.