The local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Lahj Governorate, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, conducted a new move for the purpose of protecting agricultural lands in the region from the spread of squatters and random construction.
During a meeting held by the head of the leadership’s executive body, Waddah Al-Halmi, with the Director General of the Office of the Ministry of Agriculture in Lahj Governorate, Engineer Abdul-Malik Naji, and the Commander of the Land Protection Battalion and Legal Advisor to the Agriculture Office, Qasim Habba, they discussed the measures required to address this problem.
Developing a mechanism to remove and protect agricultural lands from illegal urban expansion was discussed. This step comes after the visit of the leading delegation from the Executive Authority of Lahj Governorate and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation to the Faleg and Bezig areas near the capital, Al-Houta, to inspect agricultural lands and ensure that the laws are correctly implemented.
Al-Halmi stressed the importance of moving forward in taking the necessary measures to protect agricultural lands from urban threats and removing any random building encroachments. The steps that will be taken in cooperation with the relevant authorities in this regard were discussed.
The meeting ended with agreement on a series of measures and steps that would protect agricultural lands from any encroachments or illegal urban expansion. The concerned authorities are currently implementing this mechanism in cooperation and coordination with other relevant authorities, with the aim of preserving the agricultural heritage and preserving agricultural lands for future generations.