The Mansoura Court of First Instance issues a death sentence against the accused of killing Al-Shafi’i Askar

This Wednesday morning, the Mansoura Court of First Instance held its session under the chairmanship of His Eminence Judge Essam Saleh Nasser Jarz, Secretary Maher Saeed Yahya, and the presence of the member of the Mansoura First Instance Prosecution, Judge Muhammad Abdel-Jabbar Al-Mansoub, and the presence of the accused Ashraf Marouf Ahmed Mohsen and his lawyer Saleh Saleh Abdullah Naji Al-Baadani, and the presence of The guardian of blood, the father of the victim, Muhammad Hussein Salem, in criminal case No. C.C. 29 of 2022 AD, Mansoura Primary Prosecution, on charges of premeditated murder.
The court's previous decision was to close the case and reserve the case for judgment. In the session, the ruling was pronounced after the reasons were read, and the court ruled as follows:
First: The defense in the case of legitimate defense presented by the accused through his lawyer is not accepted because it is not proven according to what we explained in the merits.
Second: Ashraf Marouf Ahmed Mohsen was convicted of the crime of premeditated murder of the victim Al-Shafi’i Muhammad Hussein Askar, which was attributed to him in the indictment and is punishable by death by firing squad as a legal retaliation for intentionally and aggressively killing a bloodless soul, the living victim of Al-Shafi’i Muhammad Hussein.
Third: Confiscation of the crime instrument, which is a Brazilian pistol bearing the number ((TG750810)) seized by the Public Prosecution for the benefit of the state treasury as a complementary penalty.
Fourth: Obliging the convicted person to pay litigation losses in the amount of six hundred thousand Yemeni riyals ((600,000) Yemeni riyals), to be delivered to the heirs of the victim.
Fifth: The right to appeal is legally guaranteed to the parties within the legal period of fifteen days, calculated from the date of pronouncement of the ruling.
Sixth: Return the case file to the Public Prosecution to act in accordance with the law.