The reception and handover ceremony took place at the Culture Office, Hadhramaut Coast, between the successor and predecessor general directors this morning, Professors Abeer Muhammad Al-Hadrami and Maher Awad bin Saleh, in the presence of the committee assigned by the Governor of Governorate A. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, whose membership includes the Director General of the Governorate Office, A. Mustafa Shaiban bin Ishaq, representatives of the Legal and Financial Affairs Offices in the Hadhramaut Coast, Magdy Mahfouz Baftaim and Mohsen Muhammad Al-Shaoush, and representatives of the Culture Office, Al-Khader Abd Rabbuh Al-Yazidi and Samir Salem Bazros.
The receipt and delivery process took place in a friendly atmosphere during which the General Director presented the predecessor, A. Maher Awad bin Saleh, congratulations and blessings to the General Director, successor A. Abeer Muhammad Al-Hadrami, wishing her success in her future tasks in service to the cultural field in the Hadhramaut Coast Directorates, expressing his confidence in her abilities in this aspect, as she came from the same cultural and artistic community.
In turn, the General Manager, Khalaf A. Abeer Muhammad Al-Hadrami expressed her thanks and appreciation to the predecessor Director-General for what he provided to the cultural sector during his tenure as Director-General of the Culture Office, Sahel Hadhramaut, in light of the difficult conditions and circumstances that the governorate and the country in general are going through, wishing him success in his upcoming duties.