Prices of vegetables and fruits today, Saturday, March 8 in the capital, Aden

The prices of vegetables and fruits in the capital of the capital, Aden, witnessed today, Saturday, March 8, 2025 AD, stability in the prices, as the price of a kilo of potatoes reached 2000 riyals, and the kilogram of tomatoes 500 riyals.
The price of a kilo of onions came 500 riyals, and the price of a kilo of lemon was 3000 riyals, and the price of a kilo of basbas rose to 3000 riyals.
And a kilo of carrots reached 2000 riyals, while the price of okra increased to 4000 riyals per kilo, and the eggplant recorded 2000 riyals, while zucchini is a kilo weight, the price came at 2000 riyals, and the option reached 1500 riyals.
While the prices of fruits came, as the price of a kilo of bananas in the capital of Aden reached 1000 riyals, and the panels for 1200 riyals, while Al -Habbah recorded 1200 riyals per kilogram, while the apples jumped to 5000 riyals and the orange record for the Crology is 5000 riyals and the pomegranate 4000 per gram.