An explosion of an explosive device with a motorbike in Qataba, north of Al -Dhalea and the fall of victims

A violent explosion took place late on Sunday evening, in the eastern ring line of the city of Qataba, north of Al -Dhali governorate, where an explosive device that was planted in a motorcycle, which led to the death of the bike driver and the injury of a number of people with varying injuries.
Security sources reported that the accident occurred early this morning, as the motorcycle was carrying the explosive device and targeting a crowded area, but the explosion occurred before the package achieved its terrorist targets.
An official in Al -Dhalea's security said that the security belt leader, Brigadier Ahmed, the leader of Al -Qubba, accompanied by the fourth sector leader, Captain Zaghloul, are closely following the investigations of the accident, noting that the accident suddenly occurred, but the site was quickly cordoned off, and the official added that an official statement will be issued soon to clarify the details of the accident.