Lawyer Arif Al-Halmi said that the Commander of the Fifth Support and Support Brigade in Radfan, Brigadier General Mukhtar Al-Noubi, and the Director of Lahj Security, Brigadier General Hussein Al-Junaidi (Abu Arif), refused to implement judicial orders to transfer the two defendants (Ashraf Ahmed Saleh Muhammad and Hammam Fadl Farid) in a murder incident. The victim (Majed Rushda) was transferred from the Fifth Brigade Prison in Balhaj to the Military Police Prison in the Fourth District or Mansoura Prison to facilitate the transfer of the two accused to attend the proceedings of the trial sessions in the Military Court, and to complete the applicable legal procedures.
Al-Halmi indicated in a statement to “Scoop 24” that the Director of Lahj Security, “Al-Junaidi,” rejected judicial orders from the Lahj Appeals Prosecution, and another, in order to transfer the two defendants from the Fifth Brigade prison (Sabr) to the Military Police prison), but he refused to deal with those orders. The directives, expressing his astonishment: Does Lahj security follow the judicial authorities or follow the military authorities that refuse to obey the law?!.
Lawyer “Al-Halmi” stressed the necessity of adhering to orders and implementing directives, in order to preserve rights, so that everyone adheres to the law and order, and so that issues and matters do not take a dangerous turn, towards the law of the jungle.