Shipping customs withdraws 46 smuggled cars into the square to register them

The Director General of Shipping Customs, Mr. Thabet Awad Mubarak, directed the formation of a joint committee from the Customs Administration, the security authorities, and the land shipping port to withdraw the smuggled cars located in the eastern gate into the customs yard, in implementation of the outcomes of the meeting with the Governor of Al-Mahra Governorate, Mr. Muhammad Ali Yasser, held on Thursday with Director of the Customs and Security Department.
The committee began its duties yesterday evening, Saturday, by withdrawing 46 cars to the customs campus yard as part of efforts to combat and reduce smuggling and the new administration’s plan to organize customs work, correct the imbalances and avoid the negatives that accompanied the last period, after the customs director gave the car owners an eight-day deadline.
The Director General of Land Shipping Customs confirmed that he is proceeding with his ambitious plan to organize work at customs and improve the level of performance therein administratively, financially and security, and the necessity of completing the documentary cycle and legal customs procedures and activating the security and military aspects, stressing the necessity of integrating efforts in a way that contributes to improving the work of the port in general and reducing From smuggling operations of goods or vehicles.
He explained that the clearance offices will be moved to the location specified by the local authority outside the customs campus, and the necessity of preserving its legal and administrative status and providing facilities to merchants to attract them to supply their goods through customs.