The Council of the Southern Journalists and Media Professionals Syndicate, Abyan Governorate Branch, held this morning, Monday, October 16, 2023, its second meeting in the capital, Zanzibar, in the Abyan University Coordination Hall, headed by Mr. Muhammad Nasser Al-Awlaki, Chairman of the Southern Journalists and Media Journalists Syndicate Council, Abyan Governorate
At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairman of the Council of the Southern Journalists and Media Professionals Syndicate, Abyan Governorate Branch, welcomed the attendees. Then the attendees approved the points of the meeting, and then Mr. Muhammad Al-Awlaki, the Chairman of the Branch, spoke about the Council’s activity during the period between the two meetings, the difficulties, obstacles, and challenges facing the Branch today, and urged the administrative body of the Branch Council to distribute... Membership forms are submitted according to the appropriate and available mechanisms, provided that they are then received on paper with their attachments shown in the same form. He called on everyone to unify efforts and work in the spirit of one team, collecting member forms that meet the conditions and sending them to the union center in Aden.
After that, the branch’s financial officer, Mr. Jamal Muhammad Hussein, presented a detailed financial report, explaining a number of difficulties in the financial aspect that the branch faced.
The rights and freedoms official, Mr. Faisal Al-Saeedi, reviewed the plan for the administration’s work and also reviewed the administration’s activity. p>
The meeting also discussed the departmental plans and programs that had been agreed upon in the previous meeting, and the departmental officials in the branch, each in their field of expertise, spoke about its work plan, its objectives, and the basic work requirements for its implementation.
The meeting also stressed the need to address the union’s leadership regarding the basic and operational budget.
The meeting stressed the necessity of making an urgent appeal to treat the distinguished member of the media branch, Ahmed Mahdi Salem, the founder of sports media in Abyan Governorate. The branch’s Department of Rights and Freedoms was assigned to make an urgent appeal to the Southern Journalists and Media Journalists Syndicate and to all competent authorities for speedy intervention and treatment.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the forms that met the conditions were discussed and recommended by the head of the Al-Awlaki branch and were handed over to the deputy head of the branch to be delivered to the union center in Aden.