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Temperatures expected today, Tuesday, in Yemen

Temperatures expected today, Tuesday, in Yemen

Today, Tuesday, January 9, 2024, meteorologists expected a difference in expected temperatures in the capital, Aden, and a number of Yemeni governo…

The Governor of Lahj issues a package of decisions for the year 2024 AD to correct the administrative and development work in the governorate

The Governor of Lahj issues a package of decisions for the year 2024 AD to correct the administrative and development work in the governorate

   The Governor of Lahj Governorate, Commander of the 17th Infantry Brigade, Major General Ahmed Abdullah Turki, today, Monday, January 8,…

The Military Police in Abyan launches the 2024 training year

The Military Police in Abyan launches the 2024 training year

  The Military Police Command, Abyan branch, today, Tuesday, launched the first phase of the 2024 training year, under the auspices of the…

A supervisory team in the “Al-Mahrami” office reviews the work of the final stage in the solar energy station in Aden

A supervisory team in the “Al-Mahrami” office reviews the work of the final stage in the solar energy station in Aden

  *The Office of Representative Al-Muharrami reviews the progress of the final stage of installing panels in the solar energy project in Ad…

The Mahra Drug Control Department arrests a promoter

The Mahra Drug Control Department arrests a promoter

  Anti-narcotics officers in Al-Mahra Governorate were able to arrest a person named (M.B.) in one of the neighborhoods of the city of Al-G…

Al-Shaab City Police seized a large quantity of prohibited and smuggled materials in Bir Ahmed

Al-Shaab City Police seized a large quantity of prohibited and smuggled materials in Bir Ahmed

  Dr. Salah Al-Shoubji, Director General of Al-Burayqa District - Chairman of the Security Committee, praised the operation of the Al-Shaab…

The Giants destroyed, with artillery shelling, Houthi convoys that came from Al-Bayda towards Bayhan, Shabwa

The Giants destroyed, with artillery shelling, Houthi convoys that came from Al-Bayda towards Bayhan, Shabwa

  The Giants forces targeted Houthi military convoys that were coming from Al Bayda Governorate, towards the Bayhan District in Shabwa Gove…

Blinken: Houthi attacks disrupt more than 20% of international shipments

Blinken: Houthi attacks disrupt more than 20% of international shipments

  US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea caused the disruption of more than 20% of international…

The President of the Federation of Housing Associations in Aden chairs an extraordinary meeting to discuss the work plan for the year 2024

The President of the Federation of Housing Associations in Aden chairs an extraordinary meeting to discuss the work plan for the year 2024

  Mr. Jabal Radfan, President of the General Federation of Housing Cooperative Societies, held an extraordinary meeting today in the capita…

An important meeting of the Aden Authority confronts the crime of smuggling medicines through ill-equipped containers

An important meeting of the Aden Authority confronts the crime of smuggling medicines through ill-equipped containers

  The Deputy Governor of Aden Governorate, Secretary-General of the Governorate’s Local Council, Mr. Badr Ma’oun, today, Sunday, directed t…

