The Supreme Judicial Council approves the assignment of a number of judges to the Aden courts and lifts immunity from others

The Supreme Judicial Council approves the assignment of a number of judges to the Aden courts and lifts immunity from others

  The Supreme Judicial Council held its regular meeting, today, in the temporary capital, Aden, headed by the President of the Council, Jud…

Urgent: A terrorist attack in Abyan ends with the attacking elements being defeated and fleeing

Urgent: A terrorist attack in Abyan ends with the attacking elements being defeated and fleeing

  This evening, elements of Al-Qaeda launched a surprise attack on the positions of the Security Belt Forces in Wadi Omran in Mudiyah Distr…

News that Brigadier General “Al-Makar” survived an assassination attempt with an explosive device in Zanzibar

News that Brigadier General “Al-Makar” survived an assassination attempt with an explosive device in Zanzibar

  Brigadier Ali Nasser Al-Mukar, Commander of the Sixth Support and Support Brigade, which is part of the Southern Forces, today survived a…

Increasing incidents of suicide and tragedies of life in Yemen: Citizens committing suicide and the body of a newborn being found in the garbage in Ibb

Increasing incidents of suicide and tragedies of life in Yemen: Citizens committing suicide and the body of a newborn being found in the garbage in Ibb

  Yemen is witnessing a noticeable increase in suicide cases and humanitarian tragedies, as economic and living conditions continue to dete…

Lahj.. Implementation of the sentence of retaliation by “bullets” against a convict convicted of the murder of two people

Lahj.. Implementation of the sentence of retaliation by “bullets” against a convict convicted of the murder of two people

  The Public Prosecution in Lahj Governorate, Tuesday morning, implemented the legal retaliation ruling against the convict, Mursal Saeed K…

The Public Prosecution is investigating the corruption of Aden Electricity and oil derivatives, and we warn against interfering in the work of the judiciary

The Public Prosecution is investigating the corruption of Aden Electricity and oil derivatives, and we warn against interfering in the work of the judiciary

  The Yemeni Public Prosecution announced that it had received a number of reports submitted by the Southern Union for Transparency and Ant…

