Taiz Police confirms that it continues to track down and prosecute the perpetrators in the case of citizen Saif Hamoud Al-Sharabi, which occurred on the evening of Monday, December 31, 2024, and under the direct supervision of the Director General of Taiz Police, Brigadier General Mansour Al-Akhali
It explains that this evening, Friday, it was able to arrest the second wanted person in the case, in addition to eight people involved in covering up the main perpetrator, and they were placed in custody to complete investigations and take the necessary legal measures.
In the context of the investigations, the father of the main wanted person in the case was detained, in addition to the seizure of the car that was used to escape after the crime was carried out, and the person who drove it during the operation.
Taiz Police stresses that it will never be lax in pursuing and arresting the main perpetrator, stressing that it will take all strict measures against anyone proven to be involved in covering up the perpetrator or trying to hide him, stressing that the security services are working around the clock and will not rest until the arrest is made. him and bring him to justice.
The Taiz Police issued a call to all citizens to cooperate fully with the security services and immediately report any information that may help in resolving the case, valuing the community and media interaction with the case and ensuring security is maintained. It also called on all media professionals, journalists, and social media platform pioneers not to circulate any information. Unreliable, and make sure to get the news from its official sources to ensure credibility.
The governorate police affirmed its permanent commitment to enforcing the law and achieving justice, calling on everyone to contribute to stabilizing security and supporting police efforts in this case and others.
The victim's daughter had appeared in a videotape urging everyone to arrest her father's killer and confirmed that his blood was still smeared on the walls of their house, which was killed in cold blood by the accused Walid Al-Shalaa, accusing parties of covering him up.