The Taiz Governorate Police announced the receipt of three security wanted persons in connection with murder cases and serious criminal cases, after they were handed over from the Aden Governorate Police and transferred to Taiz, as part of the ongoing security coordination between the security services in the various governorates.
This operation was carried out based on the directives of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for the Security and Police Sector, and under the direct supervision of Brigadier General Mansour Al-Akhali, Director General of the Taiz Governorate Police, and in coordination with the National Shield Forces and the police of the Aden and Shabwa Governorates.
Taiz Police explained that two of the wanted persons were arrested in Shabwa Governorate, while the third wanted person was arrested in Aden Governorate in coordination with the National Shield Forces, which in turn handed him over to Aden Police. All wanted persons were transferred to the city of Taiz and placed in custody to complete the investigation. The necessary legal procedures, in preparation for referring them to the competent authorities.
Brigadier General Mansour Al-Akhali praised the fruitful cooperation between the security services, praising the efforts of the leadership of the National Shield Forces in Aden Governorate, Major General Mutahar Al-Shuaibi, Director General of Aden Governorate Police, and Director General of Shabwa Governorate Police Brigadier General Fouad Al-Nasi, in addition to Colonel Walid Al-Radfani, director of his office. And Colonel Mustafa Ali Mustafa, Director of Command and Control of Aden Police, for their active role in the success of the seizure operation. And delivery.
Brigadier Al-Akhali also thanked Major Ahmed Naif, Director of the Command and Control Department of Taiz Police, for his effective role in coordinating with security operations in the relevant governorates, and praised the prominent role played by the criminal investigation team at Taiz Police, represented by the investigation representatives, Captain Issa Al-Kamil, Captain Muhammad Al-Hamidi, Captain Muhammad Al-Salawi, and Captain Abu Bakr Al-Fadhli, stressing their competence and professionalism in completing the project. Process.
Brigadier Al-Akhali stressed the importance of strengthening joint security cooperation between the governorates to achieve more successes in arresting wanted persons, which contributes to enhancing security and stability and achieving justice.