The Times of India newspaper reported on Thursday that the police in the Indian city of Pune deported 105 foreign citizens, and 52 of them were blacklisted last year.
The newspaper quoted the Pune Corporation Commissioner, Amitesh Kumar, as saying that “as many as 63 Yemeni citizens were deported and blacklisted last year,” stressing that “once a foreign citizen is blacklisted, he cannot travel again to India.” ".
Kumar pointed out that “Pune city police noticed that a large number of Yemeni citizens are residing illegally in the city, violating visa rules.”
Kumar added: “Following the civil war in Yemen, many people from there were coming to India, especially Pune, for treatment, and after their medical visas expired, some of them did not return to their country.”
For his part, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Branch) Milind Mohit said: “As the civil war continues in Yemen, many people are suffering from injuries. Some hospitals in Pune are providing low-cost treatment to them. People come to Pune for treatment using medical visas. They do not want to return to their country after treatment because of the problems there. They keep changing their places of residence and cities in Maharashtra.”
Police issue “Leave India” notices to foreign nationals staying illegally in India, then ask them to book flight tickets and return to their countries. Embassies and consulates of foreign nationals found after the expiration of their stay in India generally arrange tickets for their citizens and then they are deported.