A series of American air strikes on Sanaa and a number of governorates

Houthi media sources reported that the American fighters targeted the two raids of Sanaa International Airport, while the driving area in the Liberation Directorate in the center of the capital with a raid, which led to damage to the homes of citizens and shops.
In Sana'a Governorate, she stated that the raids targeted the Jerban area of the Sanhan district of four raids, while a person was injured in a spending area in the Bani Hashish district.
In Saada Governorate, Al -Osayd area of the Kataf District was subjected to five raids, while the Gartan of the Al Salem district in the same governorate targeted.
As for Al -Hodeidah Governorate, the Al -Lahiya Directorate was subjected to three raids and the same in the Al -Hamidat Directorate in Al -Jouf Governorate.
The escalation of raids continued to affect the Black Montenegro in the district of Safyan with 8 raids, and 5 raids on the communications network in the same area, which led to their disruption.
American fighters also targeted the areas of Al -Ladda, Al -Amashiya, Habsha, Al -ordinary, Al -Abla and Montenegro with 19 raids, and targeted the Magbar Directorate with 4 raids in Marib Governorate.