Professor Abdul Rahim Jawi, Director General of Al-Mualla District, directed the District Police Command to arrest those violating the decision to ban the consumption of Qat in the streets, in public places, in public parks, and on tours, and to take punitive measures for those who violate this.
Brigadier General Fadl Ali Naji Al-Naqib, Commander of Al-Mualla Police, said that the district police will carry out continuous patrols to arrest those who violate the decision of the local authority leadership, sending a message to citizens not to violate this so that they do not expose themselves to punitive measures.
The local authority in the district carried out previous campaigns to prevent the consumption of khat in public streets, parks and tours, and many violators were arrested. This was preceded by an awareness campaign and the installation of warning signs and wall posters regarding this.
With this decision, the directorate’s administration aims to preserve the aesthetic aspect and prevent extraneous phenomena that offend public taste.