After transferring the salaries of state employees to some private banks, male and female teachers in Aden protested this decision, citing their fears of delays and tampering with the disbursement of their salaries, which were paid regularly through the internal financial departments.
They announced an education strike and closed schools to students who had started the school year a few days ago, for the purpose of pressuring the government to reverse the decision to transfer salaries to private banks.
The procedures for transferring salaries to private banks passed without listening to teachers, and became a fait accompli. Al-Qutaybi Bank announced the start of disbursing teachers’ salaries for the month of August. Will they go to receive their salaries and abandon the strike?!.
It is worth noting that the Yemeni government has transferred the salaries of some public sector employees to banks for the purpose of eliminating corruption and waste of public money and controlling the salary delivery process.