Abyan journalists participate in the “Journalistic Writing Skills” course in the capital, Aden

Journalists and media professionals from the Abyan branch of the Southern Journalists and Media Professionals Syndicate joined the news writing and news reporting skills course organized by the Training and Qualification Authority of the Southern Transitional Council at its headquarters in the city of Al-Tawahi in the capital, Aden, in coordination with the Southern Journalists and Media Professionals Syndicate, which aims to train 45 journalists and media professionals from the governorates of Aden. – Lahj – Abyan – Al Dhale’, in the period from 11 to 18 of this December.
The course comes according to the head of the Training and Qualification Authority of the National Southern Media Authority, Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, within the framework of the Commission’s plan to qualify southern journalists and media professionals and raise their capabilities and skills in the field of journalism and media, mentioned in his welcome speech to the trainees - 15 trainee journalists, male and female, from Abyan Governorate -, in the presence of the Training and Qualification Officer at the Southern Journalists Syndicate, Dr. Yasser Baazab, stressed the importance of scientific training for southern journalists and media professionals in order to confront the biased media campaigns that are constantly launched by the enemies of the south within systematic agendas to attack the southern identity.
The training of the team of Abyan journalists and media professionals was undertaken by journalist and academic Professor of Journalism at the Faculty of Media at the University of Aden, A. Nasr Mubarak Baghraib.