This morning, the Specialized Criminal Court of First Instance, headed by Judge Fahd Muhammad Musa Al-Yazidi, held its public session today in the presence of the member of the prosecution, Judge Ghanem Al-Bahsani and Secretary Salem Saeed Bawazir, in the serious criminal case No. 33 of 2021 A.D. J.J. The Specialized Criminal Prosecution M/ Hadhramaut regarding the charge Bringing drugs.
The ruling ruled as follows:
First: Convicting the accused/ Salem Ahmed Muhammad Baamir and the accused/ Hussein Abdullah Hussein Al-Amari of what is attributed to them in the indictment.
Second: Punishing those convicted with death by beating them with a sword or shooting them to death.
Third: Confiscation of seized items for the benefit of the public treasury and destruction of the drug through the prosecution and with its knowledge.
The court also issued its ruling in the serious criminal case No. 88 of 2022 A.D., Specialized Criminal Prosecution M/ Hadhramaut on the charge of drug trafficking, where it ruled as follows:
First: Convicting the accused / Ahmed Omar Ismail Ali of what is attributed to him in the indictment.
Second: Punishing the convict for all crimes with imprisonment for a period of twenty-five years starting from the date of his arrest.
Third: Confiscating the seized items for the benefit of the public treasury and destroying the drug through the prosecution and with its knowledge.