Salam Foundation and Building the construction of extension panels with high schools in Mukalla to counter electronic blackmail

The Salam Foundation and the construction of the construction project and installation of guidance boards clarified the steps that the victims must follow when they are exposed to electronic blackmail, to enhance awareness about how to deal with electronic extortion cases, within the outputs of the project to raise the capabilities of the electronic blackmail unit in the Mukalla Security Directorate, funded by Civic Organization.
The project included high schools in the city of Mukalla, the Directorate of Security of Mukalla, and the site of the arrest of women in the city, with the aim of communicating information and instructions to the groups most vulnerable to this phenomenon, as this activity comes in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the security of the Hadramout coast.
The Executive Director of the Peace and Building Foundation, Professor Sumaya Al -Sibai, stressed that this step comes within the framework of its ongoing efforts to enhance digital security and protect individuals from electronic threats, stressing the importance of raising awareness of the role of the competent security authorities in dealing with these cases to ensure the protection of society. >