Pumpkin contains nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the health of the body, including vitamin T (L-carnitine), which accelerates the metabolism, burns fat, and lowers cholesterol levels.
Dr. Maria Kalushina, an endocrinologist, says: “Pumpkin is an excellent product that people who suffer from overweight and obesity are advised to eat because it contains vitamin T, or L-carnitine, which accelerates metabolic processes in the body, burns fat, and lowers cholesterol. Pumpkin also contains vitamin K, which is beneficial for people who suffer from blood clotting problems, helps prevent osteoporosis in adults, enhances the absorption of vitamin D in children, and prevents osteoporosis. Rickets".
According to her, pumpkin also contains a high percentage of zinc, which helps the immune system fight viruses, reduces the level of cortisol - the stress hormone, regulates blood sugar levels and helps in case of insulin resistance. Eating pumpkin also helps improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.
The doctor points out the benefits of pumpkin juice and recommends roasting pumpkin using oil, which is best added after heat treatment, as the vitamins in pumpkin are fat-soluble and good oil, such as olive oil, helps their absorption.
According to her, pumpkin can be added to pies, salads, and minced meat, as this reduces the calories of the meat and gives it a sweet taste.