Lighting scented candles at home .. A study that reveals disturbing risks

A scientific study revealed that the lighting of aromatic candles at home leads to the emission of small molecules in the air of the rooms, as these molecules interact with ozone and pose a risk to health.
Although aromatic candles are promoted as the safe alternative to traditional candles because they do not lead to the emission of fumes or smoke, researchers from the American Chemistry Association stressed the need to conduct more studies to determine the effect of inhaling these molecules that spread in the air.
According to the study published by the scientific journal ACS Environmental Science and Technology Letters, the researchers found that the melting of the outer surface of the wax leads to the emission of high concentrations of volatile organic compounds consisting of hydrocarbon materials.
It is scientifically known that these compounds can interact with other chemicals in the air to form tiny tribute that results in health harms if they are inhaled.
The researchers conducted tests on 15 species of candles available in the markets, whether aromatic or non -aromatic, within a model of a house, while monitoring the levels of micro -molecules that are emitted as a result of the ignition of aromatic candles. When pulling samples from the air in the vicinity of several meters from the place of the candles, the researchers became clear to the presence of molecules ranging from one to 100 nm, and that their concentration is parallel to the concentration of molecules that emanate from the lighting of traditional non -aromatic candles.
The researchers say in statements to the website "Steick Daily", which specializes in scientific research, that inhaling these molecules poses a risk to health because they are small enough to pass through the respiratory tissues and the entry of the bloodstream.