Sudden escalation .. Ukraine progresses inside Russian territory

Ukrainian President Folodimir said today, Friday, that the Ukrainian army is providing "some steps" in Russia, outside the corses, to reduce pressure on the area.
Zelinski's comments to reporters in Kiev, which were reported by Reuters, came after reports from Russian military correspondents stating that Ukrainian forces inside the neighboring Bilgorod area, and fighting them with the Russian forces there.
On Thursday, the Ukrainian forces penetrated the Russian border again, overlooking the depth of Bilogorud Province, in an attack aimed at mixing the papers on the Eastern Front.
At a time when attention was heading towards the advancement of the Russian forces towards the Soudja crossing and its recovery to the areas where the Ukrainian forces had previously penetrated into the Cursk Province, Kiev exploded its surprise, with a new attack from the south, targeting Russian territory directly.
The Ukrainian forces managed to advance towards the town of Damidovka, which is only 1.5 km inside Russian territory, putting Moscow in front of a new military equation.