The inheritor of Ali Aziz Sayafy issued a statement demanding that she be allowed to have her shops.
The statement stated the following:
“After the issue of inheritance of the shops belonging to our inheritance was decided and an implementation ruling was obtained in its executory form, we submitted a request to close the shops of the usurping tenants who had not paid rents for more than (15) years. After many opportunities for a month or more to hand over the keys to the shops, the court rejected any warrants issued by the court.
After following up with the enforcement judge, the stores in Al-Taweel Market in Crater were closed after he gave them a week’s opportunity to go down to inventory the stores and write a pledge and commitment to remove the goods and hand over the keys to the court and refuse delivery. After that, the stores were closed in the presence of all parties, the implementation assistant, the judicial police, and the head of the community committees..
p>In this context, the agent was threatened by the tenant’s son while carrying a weapon without a license..
After that, during the day scheduled for the evaluation of the stores by the engineer, we were surprised by the opening of the stores, and according to the judge’s words, he received a message from higher authorities requesting an inspection. This is not legally valid according to Paragraph 2 of Article 94 of the Judicial Authority Law No. 1 of 1991 AD. After submitting complaints by the agent, we were surprised that the usurpers of the stores broke the barrier to separate the locals to make one store with two doors, and this is the height of mockery of the orders of the judiciary and the courts because they opened the stores for them despite the presence of orders to close them and sell them according to the executive formula.”