Saudi Arabia, according to sources in Riyadh, is handing over to the United Nations a copy of an undeclared peace agreement that was agreed upon between it and the Houthis, and the recognized government also received a copy, according to the same sources. Did the southern side receive a copy, even under the heading: We put you in the picture? It is expected that he will receive it, as he did not participate in the dialogues with the Houthis, like Maeen’s government and its parties, and the best evidence of their lack of knowledge of what happened in the dialogues is that they received a copy of the results, otherwise they would not have needed a copy. Even if (the southern side) receives its copy, matters will not make any difference as long as the matter has been decided in Muscat, Sanaa, and Riyadh, and the international announcement is only awaited to determine the date and place of the signing - according to sources for the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel, today, Tuesday -.
Saudi Arabia plays a dual role: party and mediator. After it finished agreeing with the Houthis as a party to the war, it threw the agreement into the hands of the United Nations to adopt it and imbue it with international legitimacy, which will issue new UN resolutions in its favor, if things go according to plan.
Delivering a copy of the agreement to the United Nations necessarily means that the issues that were pending between the two parties: Saudi Arabia and the Houthis have been resolved, especially those related to salaries and currency, the unification of the bank, the resumption of oil exports, and the complete opening of airports, ports, and prisoners. Certainly, there are important agreements related to the political settlement that were made secretly between them that will not be announced. about it at the present time.
Saudi-Iranian relations are in an unprecedented state of warmth, which reinforces the validity of the news of the consensus. Yesterday, Riyadh and Tehran agreed to restore commercial flights between the two capitals and several other cities to their previous normal after last year they remained limited to pilgrimage flights to complete the normalization of relations.
Stressing that peace is a demand for everyone, as the situation has become extremely miserable everywhere and fanaticism is killing everyone. But it must not be peace for one party at the expense of other parties, especially the South, which everyone seems to have agreed upon, and so that the process is not a process of hegemony over the map that was formed on the ground and reproducing the post-94 conditions. It is unfair that the South, which has the military victory and has a national cause, not the issue of restoring power and a ruling seat, is the one who pays the tax of the defeated!