Tasnim Agency: Tehran supplied the Houthis in Yemen with long-range ballistic missiles

Tasnim Agency: Tehran supplied the Houthis in Yemen with long-range ballistic missiles

  The Iranian Tasnim News Agency reported on Wednesday that Tehran had provided the Houthi rebels in Yemen with a “Ghadr” ballistic missile…

The Yemeni Endowments launches the digital system for pilgrims’ data (Yallam)

The Yemeni Endowments launches the digital system for pilgrims’ data (Yallam)

  The Yemeni Ministry of Endowments and Guidance launched today, Wednesday, in the temporary capital, Aden, the digital system for data on…

The Houthis claim responsibility for shooting down an American drone in Marib

The Houthis claim responsibility for shooting down an American drone in Marib

  The armed Houthi group announced that it shot down an American “MQ_9” plane at dawn today, Wednesday, in the airspace of Ma’rib Governora…

Iranian admission of supplying the Houthis with anti-ship ballistic missiles

Iranian admission of supplying the Houthis with anti-ship ballistic missiles

  Iran's Tasnim news agency reported on Wednesday that Tehran had provided the Houthis in Yemen with a sea-launched ballistic missile.…

The death sentence was issued against Bakhrisa, the killer of soldier Shayea Hariri

The death sentence was issued against Bakhrisa, the killer of soldier Shayea Hariri

  The Court of Appeal issued a ruling to uphold the initial death sentence as a discretionary punishment against the accused (Ali Salem Ali…

A commercial ship was targeted with three missiles off the coast of Hodeidah

A commercial ship was targeted with three missiles off the coast of Hodeidah

  Sources in maritime security and navigation said on Tuesday that water leaked into a commercial ship flying the flag of the Marshall Isla…

The Ministry of Endowments and Guidance launches the digital system for pilgrims’ data (Yallam)

The Ministry of Endowments and Guidance launches the digital system for pilgrims’ data (Yallam)

  The Ministry of Endowments and Guidance - General Administration of Information - today, Wednesday, in the temporary capital, Aden, launc…

Masam announces the removal of 1,375 Houthi mines within a week in Yemen

Masam announces the removal of 1,375 Houthi mines within a week in Yemen

  The Saudi “Masam” demining project continued its intensive efforts to clear Yemeni lands of mines planted by the terrorist Houthi militia…

Shabwa.. A person was killed in the city of Ataq due to a case of revenge

Shabwa.. A person was killed in the city of Ataq due to a case of revenge

  A person was killed, this afternoon, Wednesday, in the city of Ataq, the capital of Shabwa Governorate, after tribal gunmen shot him.…

Coming from Oman.. An Indian ship sank off the coast of Socotra

Coming from Oman.. An Indian ship sank off the coast of Socotra

  Sources indicated that an Indian ship sank off the coast of Socotra, as sources revealed the cargo on board the ship. Aden Al-Gha…

The Houthis impose heavy taxes on water factories

The Houthis impose heavy taxes on water factories

  The Houthi militia imposed heavy taxes on water and soft drink factories to limit their competition with factories affiliated with its le…
