Two French and Danish shipping companies resume the passage of their ships in the Red Sea

Two French and Danish shipping companies resume the passage of their ships in the Red Sea

The French "CMAC CGM" announced that some of its ships have returned to crossing the Red Sea, while the Danish "Maersk" intends to do the same, acc…

"Yemenia" unions threaten to escalate if the company's management does not respond to workers' demands for an increase in wages

"Yemenia" unions threaten to escalate if the company's management does not respond to workers' demands for an increase in wages

Yemenia Airlines workers’ unions have vowed to begin taking legal escalation steps if the company’s management does not respond by approving and di…

Gold prices today, Thursday, in Yemen

Gold prices today, Thursday, in Yemen

  Gold prices in the Yemeni markets inside goldsmiths’ shops witnessed stability today, Thursday, December 28, 2023, in some grams of gold,…

Temperatures expected today, Thursday, in Yemen

Temperatures expected today, Thursday, in Yemen

  Today, Thursday, December 28, 2023, meteorologists expected a difference in expected temperatures in the capital, Aden, and a number of g…

The Security Belt continues to raise collection points in Lahj Governorate

The Security Belt continues to raise collection points in Lahj Governorate

  The Security Belt forces in Lahj Governorate continue to remove collection points from the general lines in the governorate for the secon…

Destruction of 19 tons of expired energy drinks seized in Nishtun port

Destruction of 19 tons of expired energy drinks seized in Nishtun port

  The Office of Industry and Trade in Al-Mahra Governorate destroyed more than 19 tons of expired energy drinks, consisting of 3,283 carton…

Engineer Moeen Al-Mas inspects road maintenance projects in Lahj

Engineer Moeen Al-Mas inspects road maintenance projects in Lahj

  Engineer Moeen Mohammed Almas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the #Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fund, main center - the capital,…

The port of Aden was completely empty of any ship for two consecutive days

The port of Aden was completely empty of any ship for two consecutive days

  The port of Aden witnessed, in the past two days, a state of complete stagnation in ship movement, as no ship recorded entry or exit from…

Security services in Shabwa arrest a suspect in a murder case

Security services in Shabwa arrest a suspect in a murder case

  The security services in Shabwa Governorate were able, today in the city of Ataq, to ​​arrest a suspect in a murder case in the Markha Al…

Video: Abyan security thwarts a terrorist plan and publishes the cell’s confessions

Video: Abyan security thwarts a terrorist plan and publishes the cell’s confessions

  The security services in Abyan Governorate announced, on Wednesday, the thwarting of a terrorist operation prepared to be carried out by…

Politicians launch the hashtag #Remembrance_of_Sinah_Massacre_in_Al-Dhale’ in conjunction with its (10th) anniversary

Politicians launch the hashtag #Remembrance_of_Sinah_Massacre_in_Al-Dhale’ in conjunction with its (10th) anniversary

  Southern politicians revealed all the crimes of the Yemeni occupation and terrorist groups taking place in the south against the people o…

The Supreme Judicial Council establishes a customs court of first instance in Aden

The Supreme Judicial Council establishes a customs court of first instance in Aden

  The Supreme Judicial Council approved the renaming of the Tax Court of First Instance in Aden Governorate to be the Tax and Customs Court…

Houthi elements storm the home of a socialist leader in Sanaa

Houthi elements storm the home of a socialist leader in Sanaa

  Gunmen believed to be linked to the Iranian Houthi militia stormed the house of a leader in the Socialist Party in the Bani Matar Distric…

An official committee is investigating the burning of a cargo ship in the port of Mukalla

An official committee is investigating the burning of a cargo ship in the port of Mukalla

A government committee in Hadhramaut Governorate, southeastern Yemen, on Tuesday began investigating the circumstances of the burning of a small ca…

Gold prices today, Wednesday, in Yemen

Gold prices today, Wednesday, in Yemen

Gold prices in the Yemeni markets inside goldsmiths’ shops today, Wednesday, December 27, 2023, witnessed stability in some grams of gold, most not…

Temperatures expected today, Wednesday, in Yemen

Temperatures expected today, Wednesday, in Yemen

Today, Wednesday, December 27, 2023, meteorologists expected a difference in expected temperatures in the capital, Aden, and a number of gove…
