The American command renews its strikes against Houthi targets, and the latter moves missile centers and drones from the coast

The American command renews its strikes against Houthi targets, and the latter moves missile centers and drones from the coast

  The American forces renewed their strikes against mobile targets belonging to the Houthi militia (classified on the terrorist list), at a…

The UN envoy discusses the possibilities of maintaining calm on the front lines in Yemen

The UN envoy discusses the possibilities of maintaining calm on the front lines in Yemen

  The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, continues his meetings with Yemeni leaders, in an effort to resume a political process.…

The Prime Minister of Yemen restricts the travel of ministers abroad except under one condition

The Prime Minister of Yemen restricts the travel of ministers abroad except under one condition

  Al-Amnaa Al-Adeniya newspaper said from its sources that Prime Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak issued a decision banning ministers from t…

Houthi media: American-British raids target Al-Saleef District in Hodeidah Governorate

Houthi media: American-British raids target Al-Saleef District in Hodeidah Governorate

  Houthi media reported that 3 American-British raids targeted the Al-Saleef district in Al-Hudaydah Governorate, western Yemen. Th…

Washington: The designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group will take effect at the end of next week

Washington: The designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group will take effect at the end of next week

  The US Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Fagin, confirmed on Friday that the decision to reclassify the Houthis as a terrorist group will take…

Pentagon: More than 100 missiles and launchers were destroyed during strikes on Houthi sites

Pentagon: More than 100 missiles and launchers were destroyed during strikes on Houthi sites

  The US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) revealed the military losses suffered by the Houthis, as a Pentagon statement said that more…

The United Nations appoints a new humanitarian coordinator in Yemen

The United Nations appoints a new humanitarian coordinator in Yemen

  The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, appointed the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Yemen from the United…

American-British raids destroyed two mobile cruise missiles and a third Houthi ground attack missile.

American-British raids destroyed two mobile cruise missiles and a third Houthi ground attack missile.

   In response to the continued Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the US military carried out air strikes target…

Al-Zubaidi discusses with the UN envoy efforts to revive the peace process and the political process

Al-Zubaidi discusses with the UN envoy efforts to revive the peace process and the political process

  Major General Aidaroos Qasim Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council, Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Cou…

