American-British raids on Houthi sites in Hodeidah

American-British raids on Houthi sites in Hodeidah

  This evening, Arab coalition aircraft, led by the United States of America and the United Kingdom, launched new air strikes on sites and…

National Shield forces seize a boat loaded with alcohol in Ras Al-Ara

National Shield forces seize a boat loaded with alcohol in Ras Al-Ara

  The National Shield Forces seized a boat loaded with alcohol, on the coast of Ras Al-Ara, Lahj Governorate. Local sources said th…

The Correction and Construction Movement announces its support for the vision of the private sector demanding urgent economic reforms

The Correction and Construction Movement announces its support for the vision of the private sector demanding urgent economic reforms

  The National Movement for Correction and Construction announced today, Wednesday, its full support for the vision that emerged from the e…

In his first comment... Ben Mubarak sends a message to members of the government

In his first comment... Ben Mubarak sends a message to members of the government

  Prime Minister Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak expressed his great thanks and appreciation to the political leadership represented by His Exce…

The American Ambassador is the first to congratulate Ahmed Awad on his appointment as Prime Minister of Yemen

The American Ambassador is the first to congratulate Ahmed Awad on his appointment as Prime Minister of Yemen

  The US Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Fagin, issued a statement in which he congratulated Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak on assuming the positi…

Who is Khalifa bin Mubarak in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? A source answers..!

Who is Khalifa bin Mubarak in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? A source answers..!

  Political sources said that there is a diplomatic figure who will succeed Ben Mubarak in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Whe…

Italian Foreign Minister: Houthi threats do not intimidate us

Italian Foreign Minister: Houthi threats do not intimidate us

  Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Taiani said on Monday that the threats of the Iranian-backed Yemeni Houthi group will not intimidate his…

State television announces the fate of current government members following the change of its president

State television announces the fate of current government members following the change of its president

  The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council issued a presidential decree appointing Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak as Prime Minister, suc…

The Presidential Council appoints Moeen Abdul Malik to this position..!

The Presidential Council appoints Moeen Abdul Malik to this position..!

  Today, Decision No. (57) of 2024 was issued by the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, the first article of which stipulated…

The Gulf Cooperation Council continues to deceive regarding the southern issue

The Gulf Cooperation Council continues to deceive regarding the southern issue

  The Gulf Cooperation Council is still stuck in the year 2011 regarding the situation in Yemen... Today it repeated the same vocabulary th…

Intense bombardment targets Houthi coastal sites near the port of Hodeidah

Intense bombardment targets Houthi coastal sites near the port of Hodeidah

On Monday, American-British warships and fighter jets bombed coastal targets of the Houthi militia in Hodeidah Governorate, western Yemen.…
