A Houthi mine kills a citizen and wounds four others in Al-Jawf, Yemen

A Houthi mine kills a citizen and wounds four others in Al-Jawf, Yemen

  The explosion of a mine left by the terrorist Houthi militia claimed the life of a civilian and injured four others in Al-Jawf Governorat…

“Bank of Aden” announces a food basket in installments...a shock that reflects the deterioration of living conditions

“Bank of Aden” announces a food basket in installments...a shock that reflects the deterioration of living conditions

   The announcement by a bank in the capital that it would provide a food basket in installments over 7 months for state employee…

In Al-Saleef and Ras Issa.. 3 American-British raids on Houthi sites in Yemen

In Al-Saleef and Ras Issa.. 3 American-British raids on Houthi sites in Yemen

  Yemeni media reported, on Monday, that 3 American-British raids hit Houthi sites in Al-Salif and Ras Issa, north of Hodeidah. The…

A security point intercepts the convoy of a prominent leader in Habban, Shabwa, and the Giants explain

A security point intercepts the convoy of a prominent leader in Habban, Shabwa, and the Giants explain

  The Southern Giants Brigades forces issued an explanation about what happened this morning at one of the security points in Shabwa Govern…

22 Yemenis were arrested in Saudi Arabia

22 Yemenis were arrested in Saudi Arabia

  Saudi security authorities announced the arrest of 22 Yemenis who were able to enter the Kingdom in possession of quantities of the qat p…

Arrest of activists who called on the Houthi militia to open roads

Arrest of activists who called on the Houthi militia to open roads

  Iran's Houthi militias arrested a number of activists on social media who demanded that they open roads in areas under their control.…

A suspect was caught red-handed while stealing a locomotive while it was parked on the main street in Sayun

A suspect was caught red-handed while stealing a locomotive while it was parked on the main street in Sayun

  A security patrol belonging to the Patrol Police and Road Security in the Hadhramaut Valley and Desert was able to arrest an accused whil…

Special reinforcements for the National Shield Forces arrive in Aden

Special reinforcements for the National Shield Forces arrive in Aden

  Military logistical reinforcements belonging to the National Shield Forces arrived in Aden today, Monday. These reinforcements ar…

The Rubymar ship is in danger of sinking within the next 48 hours

The Rubymar ship is in danger of sinking within the next 48 hours

  A team from the General Authority for Maritime Affairs carried out a visit to the ship "Rubimar", which was attacked by the terrorist Hou…

Total chaos as a result of the appointment of a new director for the Artificial Limbs Center by force of arms in Aden

Total chaos as a result of the appointment of a new director for the Artificial Limbs Center by force of arms in Aden

  The Center for Artificial Limbs in Mansoura District in Aden witnessed the day; On Monday, there were angry protests against the appointm…

Adenian families resort to buying food in installments

Adenian families resort to buying food in installments

  The current conditions have brought families in the city of Aden to a very bad situation, in light of the high prices and the deteriorati…

Scandal shakes the Ministry of Interior.. Haidan issues a decision to promote 39 brothers to senior ranks in Taiz “document”

Scandal shakes the Ministry of Interior.. Haidan issues a decision to promote 39 brothers to senior ranks in Taiz “document”

  In a new and resounding scandal for the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, an official document revealed the involvement of the Minister of Int…

The Transitional Council of Al-Mahfad demands payment of the salaries of the directorate’s teachers

The Transitional Council of Al-Mahfad demands payment of the salaries of the directorate’s teachers

  The executive body of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Al-Mahfad District in Abyan Governorate held its regul…

Washington issues a serious warning to the Houthis

Washington issues a serious warning to the Houthis

  While the Houthi group announced, on Sunday, that it had targeted an American oil ship and warships with drones and anti-ship ballistic m…

International migration: The displacement of 552 Yemeni families since the beginning of this year

International migration: The displacement of 552 Yemeni families since the beginning of this year

  The International Organization for Migration in Yemen (IOM), in its weekly report issued today, Sunday, February 25, 2024, announced the…

An increase in the prices of Arab and foreign currencies at the beginning of trading

An increase in the prices of Arab and foreign currencies at the beginning of trading

  The prices of Arab and foreign currencies rose, at the beginning of trading today, Monday, February 26, 2024, in the exchange markets.…
