Bin Mubarak takes the constitutional oath before the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council in the capital, Aden

Bin Mubarak takes the constitutional oath before the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council in the capital, Aden

  The constitutional oath was sworn in today, Thursday, by Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, in front of His Excellency President Dr. Rashad Muha…

Temperatures expected today, Thursday, in the south and Yemen

Temperatures expected today, Thursday, in the south and Yemen

  Today, Thursday, February 8, 2024, meteorologists expected a difference in expected temperatures in the capital, Aden, and a number of go…

American raids target Houthi militia sites in Hodeidah

American raids target Houthi militia sites in Hodeidah

  Air raids targeted, on Wednesday evening, positions of the Houthi militia, north of the Yemeni city of Hodeidah. Local sources sa…

An important clarification from the Aden Land Authority branch regarding the “Archive” incident

An important clarification from the Aden Land Authority branch regarding the “Archive” incident

  Today, the Aden Branch of the General Authority for Lands, Survey and Urban Planning issued an important clarification regarding the “Arc…

The Anti-Corruption Commission summons the Minister of Higher Education for investigation

The Anti-Corruption Commission summons the Minister of Higher Education for investigation

  An official document revealed that the Minister of Higher Education was assigned to appear before the Anti-Corruption Commission to hear…

The Director of the Health and Population Office in Tawahi meets with the Director of Basahib Military Hospital

The Director of the Health and Population Office in Tawahi meets with the Director of Basahib Military Hospital

  This morning, Dr. Khaled Abdel-Baqi Farea - Director General of the Health and Population Office in Al-Tawahi District, met with Dr. Sale…

The Ministry of Agriculture retracts the decision to ban the export of onions abroad (document)

The Ministry of Agriculture retracts the decision to ban the export of onions abroad (document)

  A ministerial decision issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Salem Al-Socotra, approved the lifting of Ministerial Resolut…

Lahj.. Seizing large quantities of weapons and arresting a specialized smuggling gang

Lahj.. Seizing large quantities of weapons and arresting a specialized smuggling gang

  Today, the Security Belt forces in Lahj Governorate were able to arrest an arms smuggling gang in possession of large quantities of light…

Lamlas stresses the need to improve health and medical services at Al-Jumhuriya Hospital

Lamlas stresses the need to improve health and medical services at Al-Jumhuriya Hospital

  The Governor of Aden, Lamlas, discussed today, with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Republic Hospital Authority, Dr. Muhamm…

Al-Alimi receives Lenderking and stresses the government's commitment to the peace approach

Al-Alimi receives Lenderking and stresses the government's commitment to the peace approach

  The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, on Wednesday, reaffirmed the legitimate government’s commitment to…

Al-Daari discusses with the American Ambassador the latest developments in the situation in Yemen

Al-Daari discusses with the American Ambassador the latest developments in the situation in Yemen

  The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, discussed, on Tuesday, the US Ambassador to Yemen, Stephen Feigen, and the U…

Returning Ethiopian immigrants from Yemen to their country

Returning Ethiopian immigrants from Yemen to their country

  A new batch of Ethiopian migrants stranded in Yemen returned voluntarily to their country, on the fifth flight since the beginning of thi…

The National Southern Media Authority mourns the martyr journalist Abdul Karim Al-Abadi

The National Southern Media Authority mourns the martyr journalist Abdul Karim Al-Abadi

  The National Southern Media Authority mourned the journalist Abdul Karim Al-Abadi, who rose to martyrdom in confronting the remnants of t…

Thwarting a new Houthi attack towards the south

Thwarting a new Houthi attack towards the south

  Our southern armed forces thwarted, at dawn today, an infiltration attempt by members of the terrorist Houthi militia on the Karsh border…

An Emirati newspaper reveals the reasons for appointing Bin Mubarak as Prime Minister

An Emirati newspaper reveals the reasons for appointing Bin Mubarak as Prime Minister

  The Emirati newspaper Al-Arab said that the selection of Dr. Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak as prime minister reflects his connection to the path…

Bin Farid comments on the decision to appoint him as a member of the Transitional Negotiations Affairs Unit

Bin Farid comments on the decision to appoint him as a member of the Transitional Negotiations Affairs Unit

  Ahmed Omar bin Farid thanked Major General Aidaroos bin Qasim Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council, for his confide…

US Central Command issues a statement regarding new Houthi naval attacks

US Central Command issues a statement regarding new Houthi naval attacks

  US Central Command said that Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists are launching several anti-ship ballistic missile attacks in the southern R…
