Last Update : 4 hours ago

The Presidential Council confirms that it will continue to take economic measures, and the UAE confirms its support for its decisions

The Presidential Council confirms that it will continue to take economic measures, and the UAE confirms its support for its decisions

  A member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Othman Majli, confirmed on Sunday that the Council would continue to take measures and r…

A child died after her father's car fell into an open well in Al Dhalea

A child died after her father's car fell into an open well in Al Dhalea

  A child died after her father's car fell into an open well in Al Dhalea. Local sources said that a girl died and her father and b…

Houthi militias raise housing fees for Sanaa University students

Houthi militias raise housing fees for Sanaa University students

  The Houthi militias raised the housing fees for Sanaa University students during the month of July. Students said that the militi…

18 people died due to lightning strikes in less than a week

18 people died due to lightning strikes in less than a week

  18 people died in less than a week as a result of being exposed to thunderbolts in several Yemeni governorates. The death toll fr…

A ship carrying 33 thousand tons of diesel arrives in Aden to supply power stations

A ship carrying 33 thousand tons of diesel arrives in Aden to supply power stations

  The ship "PIONEER" arrived today at the oil port dock of the Aden Refineries Company, carrying about 33 thousand tons of diesel intended…

A protest in Tarim denouncing corruption and the collapse of services

A protest in Tarim denouncing corruption and the collapse of services

  Tarym District in Hadhramaut Governorate witnessed, today, Sunday, a protest in response to the call of the founding body of the Popular…

Thwarting a failed infiltration attempt by terrorist elements in Wadi Omran, Abyan

Thwarting a failed infiltration attempt by terrorist elements in Wadi Omran, Abyan

  The southern armed forces thwarted, at dawn today, a failed infiltration attempt by members of the terrorist Al-Qaeda organization on the…

The King Salman Relief Center launches a date aid distribution project in the districts of Wadi Hadhramaut

The King Salman Relief Center launches a date aid distribution project in the districts of Wadi Hadhramaut

  The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, in cooperation with the Yemeni Development Network for NGOs, launched a project to di…

A comprehensive closure of all Al-Kuraimi Bank branches in Aden and Taiz

A comprehensive closure of all Al-Kuraimi Bank branches in Aden and Taiz

  The governorates of Aden and Taiz woke up, this Sunday morning, to a sudden comprehensive closure of all branches of Al-Kuraimi Bank.…

New Zealand announces the extension of the deployment of its forces in the Red Sea

New Zealand announces the extension of the deployment of its forces in the Red Sea

  The New Zealand government announced the extension of the deployment of its Defense Forces (NZDF), to protect international commercial sh…

Al-Zubaidi congratulates President Macron on the National Day of France

Al-Zubaidi congratulates President Macron on the National Day of France

  Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, President of the Southern Transitional Council, Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, congratulated…

18 people died due to thunderstorms in Yemen in less than a week

18 people died due to thunderstorms in Yemen in less than a week

  Local officials and sources said that at least five people were killed, including women and children, and a number of others were injured…

The UN envoy renews his call on the Yemeni parties to begin economic negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations

The UN envoy renews his call on the Yemeni parties to begin economic negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations

  The UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, renewed his call on the Yemeni parties to begin negotiations to discuss economic issues that affec…

Governor Lamlas arrives from the Emirates

Governor Lamlas arrives from the Emirates

  On Sunday morning, the Governor of Aden, Ahmed Hamid Lamlas, arrived in Aden.He arrived to Lamlas coming from the United Arab Emira…

The launch of the second phase of the training year for the Hadhramaut Brigade in Labna Al Barshid

The launch of the second phase of the training year for the Hadhramaut Brigade in Labna Al Barshid

  The Hadhramaut Brigade in Labna Barshid began today, Sunday, the activities of the second phase of the 2024 training year, under the ausp…

Al-Houthi raises university housing fees at Sanaa University by 500 percent

Al-Houthi raises university housing fees at Sanaa University by 500 percent

  Student sources said that Sanaa University, which is controlled by the Houthi gang, “Iran’s agents,” raised student housing fees to more…

Gold prices today, Sunday 7-14-2024 in Yemen

Gold prices today, Sunday 7-14-2024 in Yemen

  Gold prices in Yemeni markets inside goldsmiths’ shops today, Sunday, July 14, 2024, witnessed stability in some grams of gold, most nota…

