Al-Yafei calls for the establishment of a political movement that will lead a corrective revolution in Aden

Al-Yafei calls for the establishment of a political movement that will lead a corrective revolution in Aden

   The journalist Hamdi Al-Yafei, through his Facebook page, called for the establishment of a new political movement in the capital, Aden,…

The position of the child’s father, Haneen Al-Bakri, regarding mediation after the Supreme Court supported the decision to execute Harhara

The position of the child’s father, Haneen Al-Bakri, regarding mediation after the Supreme Court supported the decision to execute Harhara

  Professor Ibrahim Al-Bakri, the father of the child Haneen Al-Bakri, who was killed by Hussein Harhara on the night of last Eid Al-Adha i…

The failure of the donor meeting in Brussels regarding Yemen

The failure of the donor meeting in Brussels regarding Yemen

  With pledges amounting to only $735 million, the sixth meeting of countries and donors hosted by the European Union in Brussels ended on…

World Food: 5.8 million people in Houthi-controlled areas suffer from severe food deprivation

World Food: 5.8 million people in Houthi-controlled areas suffer from severe food deprivation

A UN analysis reported that approximately 6 million people in areas controlled by the Houthi group, in northern Yemen, are suffering from severe fo…

The European "ASPEDS" mission announces securing the passage of 100 commercial ships in the Red Sea

The European "ASPEDS" mission announces securing the passage of 100 commercial ships in the Red Sea

  The European Union announced that its military fleet was able to escort and protect no less than 100 commercial ships and secure their su…

In response to the Rafah attack, the Houthi leader announces the expansion of the circle of operations

In response to the Rafah attack, the Houthi leader announces the expansion of the circle of operations

  The leader of the Houthis, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, announced on Thursday the expansion of the circle of operations, in response to the Isr…

Newspaper: Arab and Western diplomatic missions are considering resuming their work from Aden

Newspaper: Arab and Western diplomatic missions are considering resuming their work from Aden

  The newspaper “Al-Arabi Al-Jadeed” quoted Yemeni and Western political sources as saying, “There is a desire among a number of Arab and i…

