Last Update : 3 hours ago

The Zionist entity's army announces the interception of a missile coming from the Red Sea

The Zionist entity's army announces the interception of a missile coming from the Red Sea

  Hebrew media reported that successive explosions rocked the city of Eilat on the Red Sea coast, The Israeli army announced the inte…

The Governor of Hadhramaut issues new decisions

The Governor of Hadhramaut issues new decisions

  The Governor of Hadhramaut, Mr. Mabkhout Mubarak bin Madi, today issued Resolution No. (128) of 2023 AD, appointing Brother Salem Abdulla…

The Transitional Secretariat praises the organization and public interaction of the activities of the 56th anniversary of National Independence Day b

The Transitional Secretariat praises the organization and public interaction of the activities of the 56th anniversary of National Independence Day b

  The General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council held its regular meeting today, Wednesday, in the capital,…

Al-Jaadi lays a wreath at the site of the martyrdom of Major General Jaafar Muhammad Saad on the eighth anniversary of his martyrdom

Al-Jaadi lays a wreath at the site of the martyrdom of Major General Jaafar Muhammad Saad on the eighth anniversary of his martyrdom

  Mr. Fadl Muhammad Al-Jaadi, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Secretary-General of the Council’s General Sec…

Tarim Transitional Council seeks to cooperate with the local authority in facing challenges

Tarim Transitional Council seeks to cooperate with the local authority in facing challenges

  The head of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in the Tarim District of Hadramaut Governorate, Sheikh Abdullah Kar…

Houthi leaders fuel tribal disputes

Houthi leaders fuel tribal disputes

  The Yemeni governorates under the control of the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia witnessed a significant expansion in acts of loo…

The World Food Organization stops distributing food aid in Houthi areas

The World Food Organization stops distributing food aid in Houthi areas

  The World Food Program (WFP) announced the cessation of the distribution of food aid in areas under the control of the Houthi group, in n…

The transitional president of Hadhramaut participates in the walking marathon for girls with disabilities

The transitional president of Hadhramaut participates in the walking marathon for girls with disabilities

  The head of the executive body of the local leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadhramaut Governorate, Brigadier General…

Ben Afrar receives the Qishn Club delegation after its return from a training camp

Ben Afrar receives the Qishn Club delegation after its return from a training camp

  In Sayhut District, the head of the Executive Board of the Southern Transitional Council in Al-Mahra Governorate, Mujahid bin Afrar, rece…

Britain: Iran bears responsibility for Houthi attacks on ships

Britain: Iran bears responsibility for Houthi attacks on ships

  The United Kingdom condemned the attacks by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia in the Red Sea on commercial ships, two days ago, stressing…

Dr. Al-Khobaji sends a message of condolences and sympathy to engineer Muhammad Al-Abadi on the death of his father

Dr. Al-Khobaji sends a message of condolences and sympathy to engineer Muhammad Al-Abadi on the death of his father

  Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, Head of the Political Body, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit of the Southern Transitional Council, sent a mes…

The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor reviews the activity of the Emkan Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response

The Minister of Social Affairs and Labor reviews the activity of the Emkan Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response

  His Excellency the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor, Dr. Muhammad Saeed Al-Zaouri, was briefed this morning, Tuesday, December 5, 202…

Electricity discusses with the Korean ambassador the acceleration of the project to establish a gas facility to feed Aden’s electricity

Electricity discusses with the Korean ambassador the acceleration of the project to establish a gas facility to feed Aden’s electricity

  The Minister of Electricity and Energy, Eng. Mani bin Yameen, discussed today, with the Korean Ambassador to Yemen, Do Bong Ki, ways to e…

The Aden authorities intend to launch a tender to choose a security protection company for public places and areas

The Aden authorities intend to launch a tender to choose a security protection company for public places and areas

  The local authorities in the capital, Aden, approved today, Tuesday, the start of issuing a tender to select a security protection compan…

Destruction of an unusable rice shipment in the capital, Aden

Destruction of an unusable rice shipment in the capital, Aden

  Today, the General Authority for Standardization and Metrology destroyed a shipment of unusable rice at the Bir al-Naama landfill, which…

Aden...The Road Fund begins the training program to build a certified institutional leader

Aden...The Road Fund begins the training program to build a certified institutional leader

   In continuation of the approach of institutional building and developing the capabilities of human cadres to ensure efficiency when prep…

A solemn public funeral for the heroic martyr, Captain Qasim Al-Olayani, in Radfan

A solemn public funeral for the heroic martyr, Captain Qasim Al-Olayani, in Radfan

  Large crowds carried out a funeral this Wednesday morning for the body of the heroic martyr, Commander Captain Qasim Saif, Mabad Al-Olyan…

