Last Update : 10 hours ago

Foreign currency rates at ATMs

Foreign currency rates at ATMs

  The prices of foreign and Arab currencies remained stable, with the start of trading today, Friday, December 1, 2023, in the exchange mar…

Serious violations against women and children detained in Sanaa

Serious violations against women and children detained in Sanaa

  In their most recent report, the UN Security Council team of experts documented cases of torture committed by the Houthis in various offi…

Al-Zubaidi participates in the World Climate Summit in the Emirates

Al-Zubaidi participates in the World Climate Summit in the Emirates

  The Vice President of the Presidential Council and President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, arrived today, Fr…

Conclusion of the training course in the field of disasters and first aid in Sayun

Conclusion of the training course in the field of disasters and first aid in Sayun

  The training course on disasters and first aid during emergencies was concluded on Thursday, November 30, 2023, in the city of Sayun, for…

Completing the repair of the break in the main water line in Al-Buraiqa District and resuming the pumping process

Completing the repair of the break in the main water line in Al-Buraiqa District and resuming the pumping process

  The repair of the break in the main water line feeding Brega and its environs, which occurred at the city bridge, which occurred at the c…

Agent Nuba launches the distribution of 3,000 food baskets to the families of civilian war victims

Agent Nuba launches the distribution of 3,000 food baskets to the families of civilian war victims

  Aden Governorate Undersecretary for Martyrs and Wounded Affairs, Alawi Nasser Al-Nuba, today inaugurated the project to distribute food b…

A traffic accident in Aden causes a car and a bus to burn

A traffic accident in Aden causes a car and a bus to burn

  A traffic accident occurred this afternoon, next to the entrance to the Al-Qalaa tunnel in the capital, Aden, which led to the burning of…

Launching the smart ID card system in Al Mahra

Launching the smart ID card system in Al Mahra

  The Governor of Al-Mahra Governorate, Muhammad Ali Yasser, and the Head of the Civil Status and Civil Registry Authority, Sanad Jamil Muh…

Work continues at the axial weighing station in Mokha

Work continues at the axial weighing station in Mokha

  Continuing work is being carried out by the work team at the axle weighing station in the Al Mokha District in Taiz Governorate to contro…

Al-Thaqli and Al-Jaadi witness a solemn military parade in Socotra

Al-Thaqli and Al-Jaadi witness a solemn military parade in Socotra

  The Governor of Socotra, Engineer Raafat Al-Thaqali, and with him the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of t…

