Maritime Authority: A missile exploded near a ship in the Red Sea

Maritime Authority: A missile exploded near a ship in the Red Sea

  The British Maritime Trade Operations Authority (UKMTO) announced that a missile (believed to be Houthi) exploded near a ship in the Red…

Lenderking: Iranian and Hezbollah elements support Houthi from inside Yemen

Lenderking: Iranian and Hezbollah elements support Houthi from inside Yemen

  Tim Lenderking, the US special envoy to Yemen, confirmed that elements from Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah militia are working inside Ye…

For the first time... a German frigate thwarts a two-drones attack in the Red Sea

For the first time... a German frigate thwarts a two-drones attack in the Red Sea

As Houthi attacks continue against commercial ships in the Red Sea, the German army account reported, today, Wednesday, on the “X” platform that tw…

A new package of US and British sanctions on the Houthis and their supporters

A new package of US and British sanctions on the Houthis and their supporters

  On Tuesday, Britain and the United States of America announced the imposition of new sanctions against entities and individuals responsib…

35 members of Al-Qaeda defected and fled to an unknown destination after agreements with the Houthis

35 members of Al-Qaeda defected and fled to an unknown destination after agreements with the Houthis

  Revelations continue to emerge to the public about the alliance of the terrorist organizations Al-Houthi and Al-Qaeda, which include the…

The father of the child, Haneen Al-Bakri, sends a letter to the judiciary

The father of the child, Haneen Al-Bakri, sends a letter to the judiciary

   The father of the child Haneen Al-Bakri (Ibrahim Al-Bakri), who was killed in a painful crime in the capital, Aden, sent a letter to the…

International Migration announces the provision of more than a thousand solar energy systems to the displaced people in Al-Khawkha

International Migration announces the provision of more than a thousand solar energy systems to the displaced people in Al-Khawkha

  The International Organization for Migration provided more than a thousand solar energy systems to the displaced in Al-Khawkhah District…

727 Houthi mines were dismantled within one week

727 Houthi mines were dismantled within one week

  The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center “Masam” project to clear Yemeni lands of mines during the third week of this February…

Passengers on two Qatar Airways planes and one Ethiopian plane survived an imminent collision over the Gulf of Aden

Passengers on two Qatar Airways planes and one Ethiopian plane survived an imminent collision over the Gulf of Aden

  Civil aviation media said that the Somali Civil Aviation Authority is investigating an imminent collision between an Ethiopian A350 and a…
